Friday 10 May 2013

Beautiful Day and the dye-pot has been simmering

Three lot of different wool put in the pot at the same time,  they all came out a different shade of the colour.

Saturday 6 April 2013

The Lady Birds have nested in our Heater Flue again.  This has happened the last few years.  The sad part is they come out when we start lighting the fire at the end of summer.  A lot die, but we try to put the live ones outside.
The Lady Birds have nested in our Heater Flue again.  This has happened the last few years.  The sad part is they come out when we start lighting the fire at the end of summer.  A lot die, but we try to put the live ones outside.
Have been making balls, from some of my hand dyed blanketing.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Well, I have finally, taken the leap to start blogging.  So here we go.

The new work table has arrived, ready to start some creative work.  We hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it didn't take me long to get it messy.

 Bag with raised features and hand embroidered
 Black Hat with silk and velvet embellishments
 Red Hat with Silk Embellishments
My entries in the Treatham Art and Craft Show over the Easter Weekend.
Mechanics Hall, Treatham.  Good Friday to Easter Monday